A young woman looks at her phone while drinking a green smoothie, presumably made with magnesium for fertility.

If you’re planning to start a family soon, this is the perfect time to focus on your health and wellness, and natural supplements can be very useful when preparing to conceive. The right supplements can help your reproductive system obtain the nutrients it needs for a healthy pregnancy. 

One supplement that’s often recommended for fertility is magnesium. This mineral plays an important role in our overall health and wellness and has proven benefits for fertility and reproductive health. Here’s everything you need to know about magnesium and fertility while you’re trying to conceive. 


Does Magnesium Help With Fertility?

Magnesium is a mineral naturally present in many foods, including almonds, spinach, pumpkin seeds, and black beans. It supports many crucial bodily functions and systems, including the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, and nervous systems,1 and also helps with protein synthesis and energy production. 

The average human body contains 25 grams of magnesium, which is stored primarily in the bones, making it an essential part of healthy bodily function. But exactly how does magnesium help fertility? The short answer is that magnesium supports a healthy reproductive system in both men and women. In women, magnesium plays an important role in hormone production and regulation2, which helps keep the menstrual cycle regular — an essential part of fertility. In men, magnesium helps regulate testosterone levels,3 which supports healthy sperm production. 

Additionally, magnesium is an antioxidant, which means that it helps protect your cells from free radicals and other oxidative stressors that cause inflammation. Oxidative stress can negatively affect both sperm4 and egg quality,5 so magnesium can play a helpful role in protecting your reproductive system.

Fertility is affected by many other bodily functions, so by supporting overall health, magnesium also helps your reproductive system function normally. For example, high levels of stress6 and low levels of energy7 can negatively affect fertility. Magnesium helps with energy production and is part of our natural stress response,8 which can help offset these negative effects. 


Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

Since magnesium plays such an important role in many essential bodily functions, it should be present in everyone’s diet. Unfortunately, many Americans do not get enough magnesium from their food. It’s estimated that anywhere from 2.5 to 15% of the population9 has hypomagnesemia, or magnesium deficiency. 

These deficiencies often happen when people rely heavily on processed foods in their diets because many food processing techniques remove magnesium from grains. If you’re primarily eating processed foods that don’t contain magnesium, you’ll need to take a supplement to prevent a deficiency, especially if you’re trying to conceive in the near future. 

Unfortunately, many people do not realize that they are magnesium-deficient. This is because it’s rare for low magnesium levels to cause symptoms that significantly interfere with your daily routine. Here are some signs of magnesium deficiency to watch out for. 

  • Muscle cramps and spasms: Magnesium is important for muscle function, so regular cramps and spasms10 could indicate a deficiency. This problem is often linked to a lack of calcium as well. 
  • Low energy levels: Magnesium helps our cells produce the energy we need to function properly. Without enough magnesium in your diet, you may start to feel physically and mentally exhausted. 
  • High blood pressure: Some studies have found that taking magnesium can help lower blood pressure.11 Since magnesium plays an important role in the cardiovascular system, failing to get enough of it could be associated with hypertension. 
  • Insomnia: Magnesium deficiencies can also make it difficult to sleep at night,12 even if you’re feeling fatigued. Researchers believe that magnesium may play a role in regulating circadian rhythms. 
  • Mental health challenges: Since magnesium is an important part of our body’s stress response,8 a lack of magnesium could make it more difficult to handle the challenges that come your way. In particular, low magnesium levels have been associated with anxiety. 


Magnesium Fertility Benefits

Magnesium offers a variety of benefits for your reproductive system that can be helpful when you’re trying to conceive. Let’s dive into a more thorough analysis to answer the question: how is magnesium good for fertility? Here are some of the scientifically proven benefits of taking magnesium for fertility.

Balances Hormones

Magnesium helps your body produce and regulate hormones. In women, balanced hormones lead to a more regular menstrual cycle, which makes it easier to track and plan for ovulation. In men, balanced hormones can help the body produce healthy sperm with good motility. 

In particular, magnesium supports the binding of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) to its receptors,2 which helps the female reproductive system produce estrogen and progesterone for ovulation.13 Magnesium can also help the body remove excess estrogen14 when necessary, which aids in maintaining a balanced reproductive system. 

In men, FSH boosts sperm production, and higher levels of FSH are associated with a higher sperm count.15 Magnesium can also regulate testosterone levels in men3, which is essential for sperm production. Testosterone levels that are too low or too high could lead to fertility challenges, which is why hormone balance is so important. 

Enhances Egg Quality

High-quality eggs are important for fertility because they are more likely to successfully implant in the uterus and develop into a successful pregnancy. One study of women undergoing IVF treatment found that higher magnesium levels were associated with successful pregnancies.16

There are many reasons why magnesium could help enhance egg quality. The first is that magnesium is very important for cellular energy production. When reproductive cells get enough energy,17 it is easier for them to produce high-quality eggs. Magnesium is also an antioxidant.18 This means it can help protect reproductive cells from oxidative damage and inflammation, potentially leading to better egg quality. 

Finally, magnesium is crucial to healthy cardiovascular function, as it can help with blood flow19 and blood glucose regulation. Good blood flow ensures that the reproductive system gets enough oxygen to function properly, while blood glucose regulation helps prevent oxidative stress20 that could potentially harm the reproductive system. 

Reduces Stress

Trying to conceive can be a stressful time, particularly if you’ve struggled with infertility in the past. Unfortunately, high levels of stress have been associated with infertility6, as it can disrupt hormone production and balance. 

Magnesium is a very important part of our body’s natural stress response. During times of stress, the body uses stores of magnesium21 to stay regulated. However, if you remain in a state of stress for too long, you could deplete your existing magnesium stores, leaving you magnesium-deficient. That magnesium deficiency can leave you tired and irritable, which can cause even more stress. This has been described by researchers as a vicious cycle. 

Taking magnesium supplements can help you avoid this undesirable cycle and prevent magnesium deficiencies during stressful times. This can help you protect your reproductive system from the detrimental physical effects of stress. Ideally, magnesium supplements should also be paired with other stress-relieving practices during this time, such as regular exercise and a consistent sleep schedule. 

Boosts Libido

Magnesium can indirectly help boost libido by supporting various important physiological processes. Increased libido can make intercourse easier and more enjoyable for both parties, which can be very helpful when you’re trying to conceive. 

Taking magnesium helps regulate hormones in both women and men. Dysregulated hormones22 are a common cause of low libido, so taking magnesium supplements can help create the essential hormone balance necessary for a healthy libido. 

Additionally, magnesium helps regulate circadian rhythms12 for a healthy sleep schedule, and it also helps with energy production on a cellular level. Both of these effects can lead to higher energy levels, which tend to result in a higher and more consistent libido. On top of that, magnesium can help with blood flow throughout the body, and good circulation is essential to a healthy libido and sexual function, particularly in men.23

Improves Ovulation Regularity

Ovulation occurs when the ovaries release an egg for potential fertilization, and it is a very important part of the female menstrual cycle. Ovulation typically happens at the midpoint of the menstrual cycle, but many women experience irregular ovulation patterns and menstrual cycles, which can make it difficult to conceive. 

So, how does magnesium help with ovulation? Taking magnesium can help regulate your menstrual cycle so you are more likely to ovulate at the same time each month. This makes it much easier to plan for pregnancy, as you can plan intercourse around the time of ovulation to maximize your chances of conception. Ovulation is often accompanied by changes in your cervical mucus24 and increased libido. 

Magnesium helps with menstrual cycle regularity by making it easier for follicle-stimulating hormones to bind to their receptors. This, in turn, helps the body produce estrogen and progesterone,13 which are essential hormones for ovulation. 


How to Choose the Right Magnesium Supplement

There are a variety of magnesium supplements on the market, and it can be difficult to determine which one is best for your needs. Here’s what to consider when choosing a magnesium supplement. 

  • Form: Magnesium supplements come in many different forms and types. While all forms come with health benefits, you might find that one type works better for you than others. For example, magnesium oxide is the most widely accessible form of magnesium, but it is less bioavailable25 than other forms, meaning that less of the supplement enters the body and reaches its final destination. Alternatively, magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinate are far more bioavailable but may be more difficult to find at local retailers. 
  • Quality: Research supplements beforehand to ensure they’re made by a reputable manufacturer and that they use proven manufacturing processes. 
  • Other ingredients: There are many blended supplements that contain other ingredients aside from magnesium. If you opt for one of these supplements, assess the additional ingredients to ensure they’re appropriate for your health needs and goals. Ideally, the other ingredients should also be beneficial for fertility. 

Before starting any supplement, check with your doctor to make sure it’s right for you. They should help you identify any possible interactions between the supplement and other medications you’re taking. It’s also important to consult your doctor about supplements again after you become pregnant, as you may need to adjust the dose or timing to reflect changing hormones. 


How to Take Magnesium When Trying to Conceive

When you’re taking supplements for fertility, you want to maximize the results. So, here are some recommendations for how to take magnesium when you’re trying to conceive. 


Magnesium supplements can be taken at any time of day — it’s up to you and your preferences. Some people prefer to take supplements first thing in the morning, while others take them after dinner as they prepare for bed. Ideally, supplements should be taken with a meal, as taking magnesium on an empty stomach1 could lead to nausea and diarrhea.

Magnesium can also be taken consistently throughout your menstrual cycle since it benefits many aspects of fertility and your body overall. Although it doesn’t directly affect your fertility, some women find that taking magnesium before the start of their menstrual period helps reduce PMS symptoms.26


The recommended dietary allowances for magnesium1 are 310 milligrams for adult women between the ages of 19 and 30 and 400 milligrams for adult men of the same age. These dietary allowances increase slightly with age, and you can also take higher levels of magnesium while pregnant. 

However, these are generalized recommendations and supplement amounts can vary widely. It’s best to consult a healthcare provider to find the right dose for your medical needs. Doses should remain under your recommended daily allowance to prevent adverse side effects. 


You can continue to take magnesium throughout your life, especially if you don’t consistently consume magnesium in your diet. It can even be helpful to continue taking magnesium during your pregnancy, as it can help prevent complications and preterm birth.27


Boost Your Fertility with FertilitySmart 

So does magnesium help you get pregnant? With its broad spectrum of health benefits, magnesium and fertility are inextricably linked, and taking supplements can help you get the amount of magnesium you need.

At FertilitySmart, we offer both fertility supplements for women and fertility supplements for men that contain magnesium and a range of other natural ingredients for those trying to conceive. Try our supplements today to boost your fertility, and explore our site to learn about more ways to increase ovulation naturally.



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